Python Reading a Nested Dictionary From a Json File

In this Python tutorial, we will learn how to Convert dictionary to JSON in python and besides we will cover these topics:

  • How to convert nested lexicon to JSON in Python
  • How to convert a dictionary to JSON string in Python
  • How to convert a dictionary to JSON file in Python
  • Python lexicon to JSON quotes
  • Convert dictionary to JSON assortment in python
  • Convert multiple dictionaries to JSON python
  • Convert dictionary to JSON using sort_key python

Yous may like Working with JSON data in Python and Python Concatenate Lexicon

Convert dictionary to JSON Python

Here, we tin can see how to convert dictionary to Json in python.

  • In this instance, I have imported a module called json and declared a variable as a dictionary, and assigned cardinal and value pair.
  • Another variable details is declared to store the dictionary into json using json.dumps(), and used indent = 5. The indentation refers to space at the beginning of the lawmaking line.


          import json  dictionary ={"Proper noun": "Kushi", "Co-operative": "CS", "CGPA": "9.4"}  details = json.dumps(lexicon, indent = 5)  print(details)                  

The dumped dictionary can be seen in the output. You can refer to the beneath screenshot for the output.

Convert dictionary to JSON python
Convert dictionary to JSON python

This is how to catechumen dictionary to JSON in Python.

Catechumen nested dictionary to JSON python

Here, nosotros can see how to convert nested lexicon to Json in python.

  • In this instance, I have imported a module called json and declared a variable equally a dictionary, and assigned key and value pair. Here, I have taken two dictionaries as fruit and vegetable.
  • Another variable details is declared to shop the dictionary into json using json.dumps(), and used indent = five. The indentation refers to space at the commencement of the code line.


          import json  dictionary = {  "fruit":{"Apple": "1","colour": "red"}, "vegetable": {"tomato": "4","color": "red"}, } details = json.dumps(lexicon) print(details)                  

The output will be in the nested dictionary format below screenshot shows the output.

Convert nested dictionary to JSON python
Convert nested dictionary to JSON python

Convert dictionary to JSON string python

At present, we can how to Convert dictionary to JSON string in python.

  • In this example, I have imported a module called json and declared a Python dictionary as a student, and json.dumps() is used to store the dictionary. The indent = 2 is used to become the space in the lines of the lawmaking.
  • Here, I take used two print statements 1 without indent and one with an indent.


          import json student = {"Proper noun": "Kushi","Age": five,"hobby":"playing"} impress(json.dumps(student)) print(json.dumps(pupil, indent = 2))        

Two string can exist seen in the output i with indent and some other without indent. Beneath screenshot shows the output.

Convert dictionary to json string python
Convert dictionary to json cord python

Convert dictionary to JSON file Python

Here, we can see how to Convert lexicon to JSON file in python.

  • In this example, I have imported a module called json, and declared a dictionary as a pupil and to open the json file I have used with open('data.json', 'westward') as f.
  • The data.json is the name of the file and the 'w' fashion is used to write the file. To store the file json.dump() is used to store the dictionary.
  • To open the json file outset, we accept to check the location of the file then nosotros have to open it in the visual studio lawmaking by giving the filename.


          import json student = {"Name": "Kushi","Age": v,"hobby":"playing"} with open('data.json', 'w') equally f:     json.dump(educatee, f)                  

Below screenshot shows the output value which is stored in the json file in visual studio lawmaking.

Convert dictionary to JSON file python
Convert dictionary to JSON file python

This is how to covert dictionary to JSON file in Python.

Python convert dictionary to JSON quotes

Hither, we can how to convert dictionary to JSON quotes in python.

  • In this example, I accept imported a module called json.
  • The form fruit is declared and defined as def__str__(self).
  • The __str__(self) method used for the string representation, and a variable called combo is declared, and the quote variable is assigned with class fruits.
  • The combo parameter is passed, to go the output I have used print(quote).


                      import json class fruits(dict):     def __str__(self):         render json.dumps(self) combo = [['mango','orangish']] quote = fruits(philharmonic) impress(quote)        

Nosotros tin can see thursday output every bit key value pair with double quotes. You can refer to below screenshot for the output.

Python dictionary to JSON quotes
Python lexicon to JSON quotes

This is how to convert dictionary to JSON quotes in Python.

Convert lexicon to JSON array Python

Now, we tin see how to Convert dictionary to JSON array in python.

  • In this example, I accept imported a module called json.
  • The variable equally dictionary and assigned key-value pair.
  • Another variable is declared equally an array and this is used to check which is key and which is value. The for loop is used to shop the value, whereas the json.dumps() is used to store the dictionary.


          import json dictionary = {'kitkat': 3, '5star': 1} array = [ {'key' : k, 'value' : lexicon[k]} for chiliad in dictionary] print(json.dumps(array))        

In the output, we can clearly see which is key and which is value. You can refer to the below screenshot for the output.

Convert dictionary to JSON array in python
Convert dictionary to JSON array in python

This is how to catechumen lexicon to JSON array in Python.

Convert multiple dictionaries to JSON Python

Here, we tin can come across how to catechumen multiple dictionary to json in python.

  • In this example, I have imported a module called json, and declared a variable as a dictionary.
  • And then nosotros assigned multiple dictionaries to it, and used json.dumps() to shop the dictionary, to get the output I have used impress(details).


          import json  dictionary = {"fruit":{"Apple": "one","color": "ruby-red"},"vegetable": {"tomato": "4","color": "scarlet"},"chocolate":{"kitkat":"2","color":"cerise"}} details = json.dumps(dictionary) print(details)                  

Below screenshot shows the output.

Convert multiple dictionary to JSON python
Convert multiple lexicon to JSON python

This is how to catechumen multiple dictionaries to JSON in Python.

Catechumen dictionary to JSON using sort_keys Python

Now, we can see how to catechumen dictionary to JSON using sort_keys in python.

  • In this example, I have imported a module called json, and declared a variable called the dictionary, and assigned key and value pair.
  • To store the value I have used json.dumps and besides indent = 5 is used. The sort_keys = true is used to sort the lexicon, if nosotros give False to the value, so the dictionary will non exist sorted.


          import json  dictionary ={"Name": "Kushi", "Branch": "CS", "CGPA": "9.4"}  details = json.dumps(dictionary, indent = five, sort_keys = Truthful)  impress(details)                  

We can see the sorted lexicon as the output in the below screenshot.

Convert dictionary to JSON using sort_keys python
Convert lexicon to JSON using sort_keys python

This is how to convert dictionary to JSON using sort_keys in Python.

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In this tutorial, we accept learned about how Catechumen dictionary to JSON in Python, and as well we take covered these topics:

  • Convert nested dictionary to JSON python
  • Convert dictionary to JSON cord python
  • Catechumen dictionary to JSON file python
  • Python lexicon to JSON quotes
  • Catechumen dictionary to JSON array in python
  • Convert multiple dictionaries to JSON python
  • Convert lexicon to JSON using sort_key python


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